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Dortmund Data Bank
Thermophysical Data for Process Design
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DDB# Name CAS-RN Formula
31 Benzene 71-43-2 C6H6 Overview
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Pure Component Data

Property  Points   Sets  Temperature
States Sets
Compressibility (isentropic) 36 13 288-333 KLiquid 13
Compressibility (isothermal) 20 7 273-333 KLiquid 7
Critical Data 68 68 (hidden) Critical Point 68
Density 8227 1511 20-760 KLiquid 1362
Further States 149
Dielectric Constant 936 287 213-673 KLiquid 272
Further States 15
Diffusion Coefficient 41 8 288-328 KLiquid 8
Enthalpy 62 9 394-563 KSuperheated Liquid 7
Gas/Vapor 1
Liquid 1
Enthalpy (H-H0) 8 1 100-1000 KIdeal Gas 1
Enthalpy (H-H298) 14 1 0-1500 KIdeal Gas 1
Entropy 15 8 100-1000 KGas/Vapor 6
Ideal Gas 1
Liquid 1
Entropy (S-S0) 88 4 250-560 KIdeal Gas 2
Liquid Phase of VLE 1
Liquid 1
Entropy of Vaporization 17 1 250-540 KVapor-Liquid 1
Flash Point 1 1 (hidden) Liquid 1
G-function 106 5 100-6000 KGas/Vapor 5
Heat of Fusion 18 15 (hidden) Solid-Liquid 13
Supercooled Liquid - Solid 1
Solid-Liquid-Vapor 1
Heat of Sublimation 4 4 193-273 KVapor-Solid 4
Heat of Vaporization 242 66 279-562 KVapor-Liquid 65
Further States 1
Ideal Gas Heat Capacity 144 12 100-6000 KIdeal Gas 12
Isothermal Throttling Coefficient (isothermal dH/dP) 91 8 332-403 KGas/Vapor 8
Melting Point 341 249 (hidden) Solid-Liquid 249
Molar Heat Capacity (cP) 1088 170 4-773 KLiquid 123
Gas/Vapor 26
Further States 21
Molar Heat Capacity (cV) 99 14 200-650 KLiquid 9
Supercritical 4
Gas/Vapor 1
Molar Saturation Heat Capacity 13 1 288-348 KLiquid 1
Second Virial Coefficient 201 31 295-673 KGas/Vapor 31
Speed of Sound 1719 300 279-673 KLiquid 274
Gas/Vapor 18
Further States 8
Standard Heat of Vaporization 2 2 298-298 KVapor-Liquid 2
Std. Heat of Combustion 9 9 294-298 KLiquid 7
Gas/Vapor 2
Std. Heat of Formation 20 7 0-1500 KGas/Vapor 4
Liquid 3
Surface Tension 391 135 273-553 KLiquid 132
Further States 3
Thermal Conductivity 1080 266 248-773 KLiquid 178
Gas/Vapor 79
Further States 9
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 72 9 291-348 KLiquid 9
Transition Temperature 6 1 (hidden) Solid-Solid 1
Triple Point 2 2 (hidden) Solid-Liquid-Vapor 2
Vapor Pressure 3450 837 195-563 KVapor-Liquid 816
Further States 21
Vapor Pressure (Boiling Point Only) 2 2 (hidden) Vapor-Liquid 2
Viscosity (Dynamic) 2052 407 273-773 KLiquid 355
Gas/Vapor 45
Further States 7
Viscosity (Kinematic) 62 22 293-403 KLiquid 21
Further States 1
Partition Coefficients
70 70 293-301 K
Mixture P-v-T Data 30 1 298-373 Kn.a.n.a.

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