Water Vapor Pressure in the Dortmund Data Bank (DDB)

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Saturation Pressure of Water Vapor Over Ice

Calculation by Hyland/Wexler

Input of Temperatures [K] (Optional)


Hyland R.W., Wexler A., "Formulations for the thermodynamic properties of the saturated phases of H2O from 173.15 K to 473.15 K",ASHRAE Trans., 89(2A), 500-519, 1983; Equation 18


Hyland+Wexler Vapor Over Ice.png


m0 = -5.674536e+03
m1 = 6.392525e+00
m2 = -9.677843e-03
m3 = 6.221570e-07
m4 = 2.074783e-09
m5 = -9.484024e-13
m6 = 4.163502e+00

Parameter validity:

173.16 K ≤ T ≤ 273.16 K;

Psat is obtained in [Pa]

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